["You won in demo mode","Login to site","to play for real balance","as well as receiving free bonuses","Quiz","Creating a quiz","Question","Answer","Send","Fill in the fields","Failed to connect to the server","After changing the client hash, all results of previous games will become invalid","Proceed","Fair game","Change client hash","the entered value will be encrypted","hash","Change","Hash must contain a minimum","5 characters","Cancel","Pay","Payout successfully ordered","The money will soon be transferred to the restoration of parts. You can track the withdrawal status in your profile in the mailing section","Usually it takes from","1 minutes","before 24 hours","24 hours","Several players","Player","Send to chat","Bid","Ratio","Win","Server hash","Verify","Further","Close","Mission completed","coins","Mission Failed","You spent","1 try","Job Available","To participate in the task, you must purchase attempts","Go to page","Exercise","attempt","attempts","attempts","Cost of one try","How many tries you wish to acquire","Number of attempts","try for","Purchase","Enter number of attempts","per","This quest does not exist","You have already purchased attempts for this quest","spend them","You don't have enough balance on your account","","Maximum purchase attempts","Authorization required","Your account has reached the maximum number of bans","Copied to clipboard","Enter your message","Success","Delete this message","Message","from","was deleted","Delete all messages from this user","All messages from","have been removed","Lock Chat Permanently","User","blocked","Mut","m","h","d","n","Achievement received","Find out more","Wait some time before sending the next message","Message sent successfully","If you can't find the letter","then check the Spam tab in your mailbox","If you have problems activating your account","then contact","support","for manual activation","You have enabled demo mode","You have disabled demo mode","Fill in the data","This user does not exist","Invalid password","An error has occurred","Try again","A server error has occurred","Could not find the specified service","Check the specified data for errors","Login must have length from","and also cannot contain special and Russian characters","User with this login already exists","User with this","already exists","There is no such currency","was detected registered via temporary service","Registration via VKontakte","Register","Login with VKontakte","To come in","Select a deposit method","Replenishment is available only in the current currency","Replenishment amount","Withdrawal amount is incorrect","Login required","Minimum withdrawal amount","Withdrawals allowed for users with","and more additions","Count in your replenishment","Insufficient money on the account","Enter valid wallet number","Insufficient funds to pay","Wait for the processing of the last request or cancel the withdrawal in your profile","You can only withdraw the available currency","Before you withdraw","you must make a deposit","your deposits must be at least","Jump","View","Several","Currency has an invalid format","You already have this currency installed","Nobody got hit","snow","rain","Rain","Snow","Under","hit","This event happens every","hours and gives a prize only to those","who replenished the account on","coins or more for last","hours","Moderator","Recent","People","Nature","Food and drinks","Activity","Travel","Objects","Symbols","Flags","answers the question correctly","and earns","You can only answer quizzes once per","minutes","to","characters","A confirmation code has been sent to the specified email address. Enter it!","6-digit code","Invalid token","Try limit exceeded","Incorrect code. Remaining attempts: ","New password sent to email.","Send"]